Google AppSheet: Build apps quickly and easily without programming knowledge

With Google AppSheet, the no-code development platform, you can develop mobile apps or web applications that are tailored to your needs.

A screenshot of a Google app that shows a job tracker and a table
Leading companies rely on StackWorks AG

Discover and use the potential of
Google AppSheet

Frequent challenges
Repetitive tasks and manual processes
Inconsistent data and risk of data loss
Manual data entry and poor information flow
High costs of app development
Lack of resources
The solution with Google AppSheet
Automation of work processes
Standardized data entry and validation
Mobile data capture with barcode and QR code scanners
Quick creation of apps without programming knowledge
Reduced need for specialized IT resources
Over 300 satisfied customers
Gooogle Cloud Partner for 10 years
500 projects implemented
Use cases

Application examples: How to use Google AppSheet

Automate release and approval processes

Many manual steps are often required for approval by an employee, or emails may be sent back and forth to obtain approval.

Approval processes can be significantly accelerated and simplified by using Google AppSheet. Manual steps are automated, which saves time and ensures greater transparency and clarity in the approval process.

Record times and manage projects

Are you faced with the challenge of coordinating complex projects with many participants or do you need real-time information on the recorded hours? .

Google AppSheet facilitates communication and ensures a smooth flow of information. Employees record their times on site directly via the app, and project management can monitor progress in real time. External project participants can also be directly integrated via access.

Connection from the field service

Stock levels can be tracked in real time and orders can be triggered automatically, thus avoiding costly bottlenecks.

The field service can record data directly on site on the mobile devices. This eliminates the need for manual processes such as filling out forms.

3 young people are sitting at a table and looking in the same direction. Above the picture is a graphic depicting a meeting in a calendar.

On-boarding of employees

Imagine you employees receive an app for onboarding that bundles all information centrally and contains the necessary training and certifications.

With Google AppSheet, you can design the employee onboarding process efficiently and according to your wishes. New employees can be guided through all the important steps. Automatic progress tracking is possible, helping to save time and reduce administrative hurdles.


Discover the benefits of Google AppSheet for your company

Google AppSheet provides you with a powerful platform for digitizing your business processes. Whether time recording, approval process or project management - Google AppSheet offers you the tools to optimize processes and increase efficiency.

Benefit from the seamless Google Workspace integration and extend your apps with third-party applications and AI technology.

Quick and easy app development

Create individual apps or web applications using drag & drop with data from sources such as Google Sheets, Excel, Salesforce and many more.

Optimize & automate workflows

Automate manual tasks based on workflows, push notifications triggered by conditions and triggers.

Integration and extensions

Google AppSheet allows you to easily integrate third-party solutions such as Office 365, Dropbox and databases and create a unified platform.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning

Gemini's AI integration helps with the efficient creation of apps as well as the intelligent processing of documents to further optimize manual processes.

Standardized recording and processing of data

Consistent and reliable collection and processing of data via barcode, QR code, forms, photos simply and quickly via mobile apps or desktop web application.

Google Logo

Included in Google Workspace

The platform is fully integrated into Google Workspace, which means there are no additional license costs.

Over 300 satisfied customers
Gooogle Cloud Partner for 10 years
500 projects implemented

Trust StackWorks as your Google partner.

Whenever it comes to Google Cloud products, we are at your side. As a Google Cloud Partner, we help you unleash the full potential of the Google Cloud for you.

collaboration on google docs mockup
Trust Stackworks as your Google Cloud Partner

We make companies fit for the modern digital transformation age

As an official Swiss Google partner, we guarantee you certified products and reliable, personal support.

A Masonry Grid with lots of pictures of employees

"The versatility of Google AppSheet and its intuitive handling help companies to increase their efficiency and drive digital transformation."

Kevin Heeb

Cloud Consultant StackWorks AG


As acertified Google Partner, we are happy to assist you in the efficient creation of apps with Google AppSheet

A white icon on a blue background in which 3 people can be seen

Book appointment

Make an appointment with us for a non-binding creation of an app.  

A white icon on a blue background showing a checklist

Identification of use cases

In an initial meeting, we identify the possible use cases for the creation of a prototype for you.

An icon with a raised hand and a hook hovering above it

Prototype development

Based on your use case, we will build a prototype app for you within an hour.

An icon with a raised hand and a hook hovering above it

Finalization prototype

Eh voila! You have a first prototype of Google AppSheet ready for use.

Over 300 satisfied customers
Gooogle Cloud Partner for 10 years
500 projects implemented

Get started with your own app today

Book an appointment with us. Within one hour, we will develop a prototype together with you based on your requirements - with no obligation.

Your own app in one hour!
Make an appointment now and get started together.

Ishan Don
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