Digital workplace

Interview: From skepticism to enthusiasm - switching from Microsoft to Google Workspace

Johanna Schirmer Popp
Johanna Schirmer Popp
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Interview: From skepticism to enthusiasm - switching from Microsoft to Google Workspace

Urs Goldener from Modehaus Goldener on the switch from Microsoft Office to Google Workspace

‍As aMicrosoft enthusiast and expert, Urs Goldener was initially skeptical about the introduction of Google Workspace in his company. Accustomed to the Microsoft world, switching to Google solutions initially seemed superfluous. But Urs Goldener from Modehaus Goldener explains how and why his view has changed over time in this exciting experience report.‍

Thank you very much Urs for having me here today. How would you describe Modehaus Goldener in your own words?
Goldener fashion house stands for innovation in textile retail and is expanding. With 18 stores in Eastern Switzerland, we offer a wide variety of fashion and high-quality advice. Our aim is to make fashion accessible to all tastes, supported by the expertise of our qualified employees. This includes continuous training to ensure we are always up to date. Our vision is to advise customers in such a way that they leave our store delighted because they have found something that surprises them. This "extra mile" is central to our philosophy.

The increased use of social media has expanded our customer communication. We present entire outfits in videos and enable direct contact via social media. This offers more value compared to selling individual products. Thanks to our inventory management system, we know customer preferences well, which leads to a low response rate and success. Behind the scenes, this requires extensive organization and an efficient flow of information, but also access to further training for all our employees.

What prompted you to switch from Microsoft to Google solutions?
almost felt compelled to make the switch ourselves. My son and I develop mobile cash registers with Subsidia AG , which is an absolute leading topic worldwide. There are many online checkouts for the catering industry that allow orders to be placed, but no system offers integration with a merchandise management system that includes not only individual products, but also sizes, variants and colors. 

This development logically led to the cash register solution also being introduced in our stores. Android devices are required for it to work, so it was clear that we could no longer continue working with Microsoft. For the future use of our mobile tills, we need tools that provide us with the basis for our requirements.

How did you experience the introduction of Stackworks?
the beginning, I was honestly skeptical. As a die-hard Microsoft user who was very familiar with the products, I found everything to do with Google superfluous. But then came the Stackworks presentation with Kevin and Ishan. It was a real "aha" experience. Their presentation was so convincing that I thought: If they deliver even a fraction of what they promise, that would be fantastic. 

And indeed, they delivered even more than promised. That's why I've become a fan of Stackworks. A major reason for this is also the highly competent team behind Stackworks. They know exactly what they are doing; they are not amateurs at work, but experts who know their trade. That's why I can highly recommend Stackworks - they will find a solution if there is a problem.

How has the digital way of working changed since the introduction of Google Workspace?
way we work has changed by 180 degrees. Achieving a complete realignment requires a mental shift from everyone - from the board of directors, management and team leaders to employees and learners. Everyone has to adapt to a new concept and recognize the benefits of the new product, despite the effort involved. The time required should not be underestimated. Even if the product can do it, the employee must be able to use it. It was important to plan this process step by step.

Planning began a year in advance, divided into milestones: Use of a Google calendar, email management, etc. After each learning unit, there was training - internally, through videos, as well as competitions to challenge each other. We made the learning process fun in order to improve interaction. These methods quickly brought success. The switch from Microsoft to Google products and other devices is a big change. Instead of PCs, people are suddenly using cell phones, which requires a new approach. It is crucial to take time to ensure that everyone is familiar with the new tools. A pure top-down approach would not have worked.

‍WhichGoogle Workspace tools have proven to be particularly valuable for company processes?
The admin interface is outstanding and enables centralized, efficient management of company-owned devices - from sharing and blocking to assigning permissions, all from one central location. This tool is indispensable for our back office team and administrators, as it offers a wide range of setting options that we use intensively. Despite the complex requirements in the textile industry with its many different wishes and needs, we have been able to solve everything with Google Workspace so far. It is therefore the centerpiece. 

A key advantage of Google Workspace is the fully indexed search, which makes finding information, even in attachments, efficient and straightforward - a significant improvement on the previous, time-consuming search with tools such as One-Note. This function makes it much easier for our employees to find the information they need quickly.

Another key point is Google Drive for managing and sharing documents. For me, it's simply brilliant in terms of handling and control. Where communication used to take place on paper or sent by email, we now all work on the same document and have no redundancies.  

The integration of scheduling and task management in Google Workspace has optimized our work processes. Tasks are efficiently assigned and distributed across locations, including a control mechanism for checking the status.

Google Sites serves us as a central information platform where important documents and instructions are easily accessible for all employees, enriched with all relevant information, links or videos.

Although we use Google Workspace extensively, add-ons can complement specific needs and these work smoothly, such as with our logo and signature. 

An important finding for us was that, despite the large number of add-ons available, Google's core functions are often sufficient and it is more effective to rely on these instead of switching to external programs. This has proven to be efficient and satisfactory.

What lessons can be learned?
a company, several factors are crucial for the success of new projects, such as the introduction of Google products. First and foremost is the team. It is important that the people responsible for the project not only understand the chosen path, but also follow it with conviction. At StackWorks, the focus is on ensuring that employees not only support the changes, but also experience and understand what the switch to Google products means for them.

Another important aspect is planning sufficient lead time. Decisions take time and cannot be made overnight. It is essential that end users - the employees who will use the new tools - are involved in the process. It is not enough for the project team to decide on Google tools. Employees must learn to use them actively.

Success depends on designing the introduction of new tools in such a way that it is a success for employees. New processes and products should be divided into small, manageable units so that there is a visible result at the end. It is important to involve all employees, from management to apprentices. This starts with the Board of Directors, which should actively work with the new tools in order to create a drive throughout the company.

Another important point is choosing the right partner to implement the project, who must understand the business model. This is particularly challenging in the textile retail sector. StackWorks understood our business model and was able to successfully map our business processes.

In summary, an understanding of the business structures, sufficient lead time, the involvement of all employees and the selection of the right partner are crucial. It is important to scrutinize processes and present innovations in a meaningful way. Onboarding is more than just the starting signal; it requires continuous efforts to ensure that the changes are accepted and lived.

Thank you Urs for this inspiring conversation and your time. We wish you continued success. 

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