Reach the next level with efficient frontline workers

Desk-less employees use technology during most of their work. That's why it's important that they support their needs. Equipping frontline workers with secure, flexible and cost-effective collaboration solutions has many benefits in this regard.

A woman in a warehouse looks upwards. A graphic with a calendar floats above the picture
Leading Swiss companies rely on hybrid work solutions from StackWorks
Frontline Work is critical to success

Why do frontline workers need appropriate modern technologies?

Higher customer satisfaction

To score points with customers, inquiries must be answered well and quickly. To do this, employees on site need access to the relevant information at all times.

Efficient work

Contemporary hardware and software, in conjunction with the appropriate processes, enable efficient, reliable operation without annoying interruptions.

Greater motivation

Employees who can present themselves with modern, up-to-date technology enjoy their work much more. They also stay with the company longer.

Collaborate internally within the company

Why is there a need for a new strategy for engaging Deskless Workers?

Location and device-independent access

To ensure that the latest data is available to employees on site, it must be stored centrally and the relevant solutions must be linked together.

Intuitive technology

For effective, goal-oriented communication, frontline workers need terminals and software that can be operated intuitively and without interference.

Safety and control

Data should be secure at all times. Therefore, it is important that administrators can control access to it and to enterprise applications at all times.

Reliable support

When a frontline worker has a question, he almost always needs quick help. Therefore, a reliable and really useful support should be organized.

How does StackWorks support you as an IT service provider?

Fast, correct implementation

Cloud solutions can be selected according to the specific need, implemented quickly and correctly with all the necessary configurations.

Cost advantages

We can offer eligible companies a special, lower-cost license for Frontline Workers. In addition, our cloud consultants are highly efficient.

Support during operation and further development

Risks such as those arising from shadow IT and ransomware are systematically and highly effectively prevented from the outset.

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Solutions for Frontline Workers

Google Workspace & chromeOS - a strong team

A combination of cloud-native devices with the chromeOS operating system and the Google Workspace collaboration solution, or Google Workspace Frontline if the approval criteria are met, is precisely designed for the needs of "frontline" employees. This allows them to work in a browser-based manner. Companies benefit from many advantages:

  • Always current information
  • Modern, reliable equipment with powerful terminals
  • Simple communication
  • Productive support in service, production and logistics
  • Digital onboarding
  • Training via self-service
collaboration on google docs mockup
80 %

of all workers worldwide, and thus most, are frontline workers.

70 %

of Deskless Workers believe that technology helps them do their jobs.

78 %

of frontline workers say technology is an important factor when choosing a job.


We support companies in many industries

Across all industries, there are innovative use cases that demonstrate how companies have modernized core areas such as production and customer service by equipping their frontline workers with up-to-date equipment.

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Portrait picture of the team mate

Contact Center

  • Modern, reliable terminals
  • Browser-based, secure access to required data
  • Simple communication
Portrait picture of the team mate

Gastronomy/hotel industry

  • Assisting the front desk with check-in and check-out.
  • Fewer paper forms
  • Access to training content
  • Digital menu and self-service orders

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