Quality you can rely on

CyberSeal certified IT service provider

The CyberSeal seal of approval from Allianz Digitale Sicherheit Schweiz confirms that we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to provide adequate protection against cyber risks, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

It guarantees that we fulfill all control points and processes according to the CyberSeal Audit Manual of Allianz Digitale Sicherheit Schweiz. These are specifications regarding organization, technology and processes.

This means that you can see at a glance that you are making a good decision when you use our services. The responsibilities between you and us as IT service providers regarding IT security are clearly defined. You receive secure solutions. Because we work according to proven standards when planning, setting up and maintaining.

Quality management according to ISO 9001

The certification body of Swiss Safety Center AG has certified StackWorks according to ISO 9001:2015. This is independent confirmation that we successfully apply a quality management system for the provision of services, consulting and operation of public cloud services.

The quality management system serves as the basis for our uniform and efficient work. This is because it documents all relevant processes in the company. Every employee can find the information they need for their day-to-day work and can contribute to further optimization. The up-to-dateness of the information and its permanent flow are guaranteed. This means, for example, that business can continue seamlessly even if the employee normally responsible for a task is absent due to illness or vacation. Substitutions are clearly regulated. No one has to spend a long time questioning the status of work and waiting for answers.

As a customer, you can therefore be sure that our services are of a high quality, which we are continuously improving.

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